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Online COGAT Test Preparation Tutoring

 Online COGAT Test Preparation Tutoring

Is your child a budding problem solver, or perhaps naturally drawn to the understanding of puzzles, or simply curious about how things work? Well, at Jayas Academy, we believe every child has hidden potential just waiting to be open up. That's why we'll support your child toward achieving excellence on the Cognitive Abilities Test (COGAT) through our customized, One-On-One Online COGAT Tutoring program. We make learning fun, connected, and most importantly, tailored to your child's unique way of thinking. And it's not just a test prep service, this is a journey into discovering how your child learns and how to maximize their cognitive skills!

Our Online COGAT Tutoring is designed specifically for elementary and middle school students who want to excel in the COGAT exam. This would mark a great deal in their pursuit toward these enriched programs and gifted education placement. We know that it can be nerve, wracking for kids and parents to sit down for standardized tests. That is why Jayas Academy steps into ensure that your child leaves with a sense of confidence, empowerment, and confidence going into the COGAT exam

What is COGAT Test?

A Cognitive Abilities Test is a measure for assessing a student's reasoning abilities in three key areas: verbal, quantitative, and nonverbal skills. Really, it's a way to figure out how kids think, problem solve, and connect seemingly disparate types of information together. The cognitive abilities test does not test specific academic knowledge, such as math or reading, but rather reasoning and critical thinking, the foundation for lifelong learning and success.

Sounds intense, right? Don't worry! It's not just designed for the super-geniuses out there. It's designed to find strengths in every different kind of thinking: words, numbers, or visual patterns. Every child's brain is a little different, and this makes our Online COGAT Tutoring at Jayas Academy so effective. We learn your child's individual learning style and help draw it all out.

Why Jayas Academy for Online COGAT Tutoring?:

At Jayas Academy, we believe that every child has the potential to succeed. Our experienced and dedicated tutors for Online COGAT Tutoring are passionate in helping your child realize their full potential. Our personalized, one-on-one tutoring method ensures that your child receives all the attention and support he or she needs tailor-made to fit his/her individual needs.

Our Online COGAT Tutoring Program

In our Online COGAT Tutoring program, your child will learn to become a master in the following skills:

  • Verbal reasoning: how to understand and apply language aptly
  • Quantitative reasoning: how to think logically and solve math problems
  • Nonverbal reasoning: how to think in pictures and solve puzzle.
  • Our tutoring method

    We have various techniques up our sleeve for your child's preparation for the COGAT test, including

    • Practice tests: We allow your child enough time to practice using real COGAT test materials.
    • Initial assessments: We help you identify your child's strengths and weaknesses. In return, we can tell where your child may need extra help.
  • Personalized instruction: Our tutors for Online COGAT Tutoring shall provide instruction that covers their unique needs and approach to learning.
  • Positive environment: We offer an atmosphere that supports and encourages your child to be confident and motivated to make improvements

  • Online COGAT Tutoring Benefits

  • Improved Academic Performance: The child will develop strong cognitive abilities that translate into better grades and, therefore, better overall academic performance
  • Improvement of critical thinking skills: The COGAT test measures critical thinking abilities that help your child to be successful not only in school but also outside of it.
  • Increased self-confidence: Preparation for and success on the COGAT will give your child a self-esteem boost, too.

Nothing beats the idea of preparing your child for a COGAT test than the loving, effective, and entertaining services Jayas Academy has to offer! Our private, one-on-one Online COGAT Tutoring is customized to a particular child's needs in order for him or her to do well on the test and to develop the vital skill sets and self-confidence necessary to excel in school and life. Let's help your child reach their full potential together! Call us today to get started in this road to success